Thursday 27 October 2011

Cosmic Law explained!

History teaches us that after the fall of the Berlin wall a time of World peace started. The history we learn in school does. But it is not until we learn about economics and finance that we understand that the war never ended. The battlefield and the weapons changed, but the conflict remains open. Today more than ever.

Instead of battles being fought by soldiers in open fields, in the sea or in the air, those who now fight the battles are traders, financial engineers, lawyers. The battlefields are the markets and the courtrooms. Instead of wars being won using guns or tanks, weapons in the REAL wars include lawsuits, advertising, debt, derivatives and other financial tools such as models.
The reason why there was a change in warfare is because society has "legalized" wars. Rather than kingdoms and states actually fighting each other on the battlefield for the land, resources and labour, now Corporations fight wars to increase their market share, to maximise shareholder´s weath.
In a capitalist society, who has the most capital is the most powerful. As a result, corporations now rule the world, not governments. And corporations prefer to fight wars in the legal way. At least officially.
If you are more interested in what I am talking about, listen to this speech from president Kennedy just a few weeks before his death.

Lawsuits are the most obvious type of wars between corporations. Recently the Samsung vs. Apple case has become very famous, and I think it is a great example of one of the "market share wars" I was talking about just now,

Advertising is THE "mass-brainwashing weapon". I use the term brainwashing rather than convincing because of the enourmous amount of advertising we are forced to cope with every day.

The idea of advertising is in itself genuine, providing consumers with information about the product, but the volume of advertising we are exposed to and the way sex is often exploited to sell products show that corporations utilise it in an immoral, and thus wrong, way.

Derivatives and financial models are of the same nature of advertising, I believe. Too often they have been misused by huge financial institutions like in the case of the sub-prime mortgage crisis. I believe these financial instruments can be used for good and can help the progress of our society. Of course it is up to the users themselves to chose how to use them (think about financial deregulation in the U.S.)
Debt can also be a positive instrument as long as all debtors play by the same rules, meaning there are no corporations or individuals too big to fail. Otherwise, as has been argued in the documentary "Inside Job", if you are too big to fail, you are too big to exists.

We know how it can end up if there isn´t enough regulation and control of operations in the financial industry. We have seen it in the mortgage crisis in the U.S. and are now witnessing it in the E.U., e.g. the taxpayer in Greece having to pay for the mistakes that "experts" in the financial industry did when they allowed Greece to enter the Eurozone.

Cosmic law is a Hinduist belief. It is the law that governs the universe, the engine that keeps the universe moving. The fuel that powers this engine is love. Everyone has the choice of living within the law or outside it. In the end, you and only you are going to benefit from living by it.
Of course living by the rule is hard and the path to become a better person is long. He who attains living by the rule becomes a happier person. He gets to know his inner-self. Knowing your inner-self (or spirit) brings you happiness. The more conscious you are of your spirit, the less attached you are to the material world, the more you understand that materiality is not the true source of happiness.

Now where exactly does this fit with business practice?

Should it? What do you think?

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